Pictures of Gabriel: top to botton, left to right.
Right before Argentina lost to Uruguay in copa america play, 4th of july, and shopping the day before the 4th (first time ever sitting up in shopping cart!), playing with a fake dog at old navy, singing at church, and sitting up all by himself for the first time (daddy peaked through the door at the same instant he was sitting up!)
Gabriel I can't believe how fast you are growing! I know each parent must think that same thing as they watch their children grow, but honestly it is amazing to see how much you have really grown these past 8 months. You are such a fast learner too. I remember about a month ago, when your mommy and I were watching another little baby at church sit all by himself on the floor on his blanket, and we said to ourselves, "man that would be cool if Gabriel could do that", well about two days later you had perfected it. However that wasn't enough for you, you have to always be doing something new, something different, and so now you have learned in honestly about 3 days time how to go from being on your little tummy to sitting down and it appears to be no effort for you. Again I repeat, that isn't enough for you though. So today you decided to stand up all by yourself in your crib, however you must have been too excited because you tossed yourself right on out of there, and when mommy heard you fall she came running and picked you up...poor little guy, you must have been so scared. However, now that we lowered your crib down, now you can stand up all you want, and I am sure that in no time you will be walking and running all over the place! You are such a big, sweet, and special boy, and we love you more every single day!
Mommy and Daddy
Right before Argentina lost to Uruguay in copa america play, 4th of july, and shopping the day before the 4th (first time ever sitting up in shopping cart!), playing with a fake dog at old navy, singing at church, and sitting up all by himself for the first time (daddy peaked through the door at the same instant he was sitting up!)
Gabriel I can't believe how fast you are growing! I know each parent must think that same thing as they watch their children grow, but honestly it is amazing to see how much you have really grown these past 8 months. You are such a fast learner too. I remember about a month ago, when your mommy and I were watching another little baby at church sit all by himself on the floor on his blanket, and we said to ourselves, "man that would be cool if Gabriel could do that", well about two days later you had perfected it. However that wasn't enough for you, you have to always be doing something new, something different, and so now you have learned in honestly about 3 days time how to go from being on your little tummy to sitting down and it appears to be no effort for you. Again I repeat, that isn't enough for you though. So today you decided to stand up all by yourself in your crib, however you must have been too excited because you tossed yourself right on out of there, and when mommy heard you fall she came running and picked you up...poor little guy, you must have been so scared. However, now that we lowered your crib down, now you can stand up all you want, and I am sure that in no time you will be walking and running all over the place! You are such a big, sweet, and special boy, and we love you more every single day!
Mommy and Daddy